The Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub program will fund grants or cooperative agreements for six to ten hydrogen hubs, which are intended to develop a network of hydrogen producers, consumers, and transportation infrastructure. The Department of Energy (DOE) must fund at least one hub using fossil fuels, nuclear energy, and renewable energy and at least one […]
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Biofuel Infrastructure and Agriculture Product Market Expansion
The Inflation Reduction Act provided $500 million for grants intended to “increase the sale and use of agricultural commodity-based fuels through infrastructure improvements for blending, storing, supplying, or distributing biofuels.” Past U.S. Department of Agriculture subsidies for similar projects (such as specialized gasoline pumps designed to dispense higher blends of ethanol) have primarily benefited first-generation […]
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Alternative Fuel and Low-Emission Aviation Technology Program
The Inflation Reduction Act created a new $297 million grant program for projects related to the production, transportation, blending, and storage of sustainable aviation fuels, in addition to developing, demonstrating, or applying low-emission aviation technologies. The program will be administered by the Department of Transportation. While qualifying sustainable aviation fuels must reduce lifecycle greenhouse gas […]
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Forest Service Salvage Fund
This program allows the Forest Service to sell timber from public forests that fire, insects or disease have damaged at below market value rates without congressional oversight. The proceeds are diverted to a dedicated fund which is supposed to be used to administer the program and provide engineering support for future timber salvaging operations.
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Fuel Cycle Research and Development
The Fuel Cycle Research and Development program (formerly the Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative) supports long-term research and development of nuclear fuel and waste management technologies. The goal of the program is to develop and demonstrate advanced, proliferation-resistant fuel cell technologies, to reduce nuclear fuel waste and to demonstrate that these technologies would allow commercial development […]
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Biobased Markets Program
Beginning with the Rural Investment Act of 2002 and further codified in the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008, the Biobased Markets Program is a requirement for federal agencies to procure biobased products to the maximum practicable extent with a preference for products with the highest percentage of biobased ingredients; to establish a procurement […]
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Nuclear Energy Enabling Technologies
The Nuclear Energy Enabling Technologies (NEET) program is designed to support early stage research and development of advanced nuclear technologies. In particular, it is intended to support these areas of nuclear technology research and development (R&D): (1) “crosscutting” R&D of advanced fuels and advanced reactors; (2) advanced modeling R&D through Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and […]
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Biodiesel Fuel Education Program
The Biodiesel Fuel Education Program provides grants to nonprofit organizations and institutions of higher education to tout the supposed benefits of biodiesel fuel use. The program is intended to support advances in biodiesel fueling infrastructure, fuel quality, fuel safety and increasing feedstock production. The Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (the 2018 farm bill) reauthorized the […]
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