The Advanced Reactor Demonstration Program (ARDP) uses taxpayer money to develop and demonstrate advanced reactors through cost-share agreements with the nuclear industry. There are three pathways through which industry partners can apply: (1) advanced reactor demonstrations, which will support the development of advanced nuclear reactors that are expected to be fully functional within seven years of the award; (2) risk reduction for future demonstrations, which will fund up to five additional teams resolving technical, operational and regulatory challenges to prepare for future demonstrations; and (3) advanced reactor concepts 2020 (ARC 20), which will support designs that could potentially commercialize in the mid-2030s. The Department of Energy announced two awardees under advanced reactor demonstrations: TerraPower LLC and X-energy. The Energy Policy Act of 2020 authorized this program
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Committees of Jurisdiction
Department of Energy Advanced Reactor Demonstration Program
Energy - Nuclear
Subsidy Type
House Energy and Commerce Committee, Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, House Science, Space and Technology Committee
FY 23 Budget Score (in mil.)
FY 23-32 Budget Score (in mil.)