The Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub program will fund grants or cooperative agreements for six to ten hydrogen hubs, which are intended to develop a network of hydrogen producers, consumers, and transportation infrastructure. The Department of Energy (DOE) must fund at least one hub using fossil fuels, nuclear energy, and renewable energy and at least one […]
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Fuel Cycle Research and Development
The Fuel Cycle Research and Development program (formerly the Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative) supports long-term research and development of nuclear fuel and waste management technologies. The goal of the program is to develop and demonstrate advanced, proliferation-resistant fuel cell technologies, to reduce nuclear fuel waste and to demonstrate that these technologies would allow commercial development […]
Continue Reading »Nuclear Energy Enabling Technologies
The Nuclear Energy Enabling Technologies (NEET) program is designed to support early stage research and development of advanced nuclear technologies. In particular, it is intended to support these areas of nuclear technology research and development (R&D): (1) “crosscutting” R&D of advanced fuels and advanced reactors; (2) advanced modeling R&D through Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and […]
Continue Reading »Reactor Concepts Research and Development
The Department of Energy (DOE) Reactor Concepts Research, Development, and Demonstration (RD&D) program uses taxpayer funding to develop and demonstrate new commercial reactor designs. The program includes research and development of small modular reactors, light water reactor improvement and advanced reactor designs. Renamed in fiscal year 2011, the Reactor Concepts RD&D program was formerly the […]
Continue Reading »Stand-by Support for Nuclear Plant Delays
This program allows the Department of Energy (DOE) to cover up to $2 billion in costs caused by delays imposed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s process or litigation. The Secretary of Energy is authorized to provide contracted standby support for up to six nuclear power plants, providing full coverage (up to $500 million) to the […]
Continue Reading »Department of Energy Advanced Reactor Demonstration Program
The Advanced Reactor Demonstration Program (ARDP) uses taxpayer money to develop and demonstrate advanced reactors through cost-share agreements with the nuclear industry. There are three pathways through which industry partners can apply: (1) advanced reactor demonstrations, which will support the development of advanced nuclear reactors that are expected to be fully functional within seven years […]
Continue Reading »Fossil Energy Research and Development Program
In the Department of Energy (DOE), the Office of Fossil Energy manages the Fossil Energy Research and Development Program (FER&D), which includes the R&D Programs in Advanced Coal Energy Systems & Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS), Natural Gas Technologies and Unconventional Fossil Energy Technologies; as well as funding for the operations, infrastructure and R&D […]
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